As the cases of Ebola keep popping up in different sections of the United States, some people refuse to take the proper precautions to protect not only themselves but the rest of society as well. A nurse in Maine spent some time over seas in the effort to help the sick people in Sierra Leone. As stated in my last blog entry, I completely agree with medically trained people spending time helping the less fortunate people infected with this deadly disease with the stipulation that they will not further the spread of this virus. The nurse in question, Kaci Hickox, spent her time with the sick people and returned home to Maine where she was tested for an Ebola infection. She did test negative in both tests. This brings up an interesting and controversial point in whether or not someone should be required to give up some personal freedoms for the greater protection of the population.Ebola Controversy in Maine
The incubation time for Ebola to begin showing is around 21 days and this should be the minimum amount of time quarantined away from any other human interaction. This nurse is upset with Maine's attempts to keep her quarantined which is very irresponsible on her part. Any person in the medical field should have the mindset that the purpose of their job is to help treat and limit sickness. The idea that she could be carrying this virus and is more concerned with her personal rights than public safety is not only irresponsible but quite selfish as well. She spent time helping those in need however she is contradicting her efforts by potentially spreading the disease that has people scared around the world. The safety of the public should be priority in this situation and I believe that there should be some more strict court orders that call for a mandatory quarantine for at least 21 days before the people are allowed back into the general public.
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